Unwrapping Winter’s Secrets: Santa’s Cruise with Nissan’s e-4ORCE

Unwrapping Winter’s Secrets: Santa’s Cruise with Nissan’s e-4ORCE

Following his most hectic, hair-raising day of the year, what is there left for Santa to do but hop in the car and embark on the frosty thrill of a snow drive? Well, thanks to the game-changing e-4ORCE technology, available in Ariya and X-Trail, driving in a winter wonderland is now an absolute joy! With its precise torque control providing maximum grip, and its advanced handling features for better control, e-4ORCE makes sure drivers have nothing to fear whilst powering through the ice and snow. It provides the perfect present for drivers of all ages, even after Christmas.


Curious to unlock the secrets of e-4ORCE's superior control and handling, no matter the weather? Click here: LINK TO PRESS RELEASESe abre en una nueva pestaña.